
Lynx Technik AG is a German company specializing in the development of high quality products for the professional and broadcast market sectors. Our multi-talented Engineering team has decades of accumulated experience in the broadcast and post production fields and have been recently honored with individual engineering Emmy awards for outstanding engineering achievements in this field. 

Our immediate focus has been the development of a new range of terminal equipment for broadcast and professional use that is truly modular in nature. A concept designed to address both stand alone applications and also larger studio installations with a unique capability to combine both systems into one cohesive and seamless system solution.

greenMachine® is a powerful award-winning 4K/UHD/12G multi-purpose processing platform. It is the ideal reconfigurable toolbox for studios, OBs, remote production and any other media facility that requires AV signal processing.

greenMachine® is designed and manufactured in Germany…because innovation, quality and performance still matter.

Yellobrik’s are low cost utility products, with reliability and technical performance being key to the functionality of these modules. Yellobrik’s are the most stable and technically proficient bricks available and are backed up with excellent after sales service and support.

Connections, signal flow, and everything you need to know is printed right on the module.

Series 5000 is a rack based terminal equipment similar to other modular signal processing platforms. Each rack and card is user configured  with any mixture of CardModules from our extensive range of products.

Our products for digital and analog video processing and distribution include modules for 12Gbit/s, 6Gbit/s, 3Gbit/s, 1.5Gbit/s and 270Mbit/s. With a wide range of fiber and BNC-based connections Series 5000 card modules are available to find your long-term solution.

The Testor family of handheld devices includes the Testor | lite 3G, a versatile SDI Audio and Video Test signal generator, and the WFM, a comprehensive Wave Form Monitor and Vectorscope. Optional accessories include soft and hard carry cases. The Testor Bundle includes both units with a hard carry case.

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